Rockport, Texas
Feb. 15, through March 31, 2004
We have now arrived in Rockport, where we plan to stay through the end of March, when we head north once more to visit the doctors and then on to see family before getting on the road to beat the hot weather into the north country. This park has only one host site, one ranger, two in the office and two tour guides.
Work-camping: This park asks only for thirty hours total for the site and hosts can work any hours that they wish, and they make an effort to involve you in things that you like to do. Hosts usually help with care of the grounds and general maintenance and repairs, if they feel comfortable in doing so. Some at times help in the office and of course you do answer questions for the public when asked, as well as providing a degree of security, since no staff live on the grounds. The host site is the very best that we have seen to date. We even have a covered parking spot for the toad! And we have a nice yard and patio as well as a garden spot if you wish to use it and stay long enough to grow things. There are many song birds and the view is breath taking! I am amazed that there is not a line waiting to serve here.
It is a very small park of some three acres and is located right in town. The state does own the beach across the street, and hosts are given access to the fishing pier of the cabins next door as a courtesy. There is no laundry, but the site has 50A power, a pad, and great amenities. The staff at the park were very easy to work with and very helpful and friendly. The work hours can be done all by one person or split between the two, how ever each couple wishes. Work ranged from lawn mowing to painting and restoration work. Pam helped in the flower garden and I did a few small wood projects. The tour guides here are docents from the local community.